Media & Public Engagement


UCL Uncovering Politics Podcast  04/02/2021
Interview on my article Caring & the prison in philosophy, policy and practice

The emotional curriculum  podcast 26/04/2020

Public Talks

‘What is tolerance?’ at Dundonald Congregational Church, 8/03/2020

UCL debating society logo

UCL Debating Society, 24/02/2020
‘Feminism & Capitalism are incompatible’
Invited Speaker

Blog Posts

‘Vaccine passports: state authority v individual autonomy’    
Invited Commentary for The UK in a Changing Europe think tank blog

Unlocking care in prisons
Justice Everywhere blog

Prison doesn’t work. Why don’t we care?  
LSE Government Department blog; LSE Politics and Policy blog

Prisoners should share the responsibility of democracy
Political Studies Association Blog; LSE British Politics and Policy blog; Democratic Audit blog