Teaching & Responsibilities
Contemporary Political Philosophy 1 (Postgraduate)
Equality Justice and Difference (Postgraduate)
The ethics of crime and punishment (Undergraduate)
Previous Teaching Materisal
Framing your research question for LSE/Imperial College Collaborative Project 2017
Previous Teaching
Philosophy, values and the social sciences (Undergradaute), UCL
Global Ethics (Postgraduate), UCL
MA Legal & Political Theory Peer Assisted Learning Sessions (Postgraduate), UCL
Public Ethics (Postgraduate, Co-taught with Jeff Howard), UCL
Justice & Public Policy (Advanced Undergraduate, Co-taught with Jeff Howard), UCL
Introduction to Political Theory (Guest Teacher, LSE)
The LSE Course (LSE100) (Guest Teacher, LSE)
Senior Research Supervisor LSE GROUPS
Political Philosophy I (Seminar leader, KCL)
Political Philosophy II (Seminar leader, KCL)